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Request for Registration Appointment

* Indicates required field

Would you like a language translator to assist you and PDHC in communicating?

​I understand that this is the first step in registering for PDHC Parenting Classes, and I agree to have the PDHC Team text, email, and/or call me to finish the registration process before taking classes. 

In the chart above, find the number of people in your household. If you think you may be pregnant, be sure to include the unborn baby. Is your household income (before taxes) at or below the amount listed?
PDHC_Household Income Chart
I am interested in:
Which PDHC class location is closest to you?
I have been to PDHC for THIS pregnancy
I am a Mom/Dad wanting to take classes

© Pregnancy Decision Health Centers


Join us and other parents to talk and learn about taking care of yourself and your baby. You will find a safe space to share your experiences, learn coping strategies, and develop new parenting skills. This program is for expecting and new parents of infants up to 8 months. Parents can remain in the program until baby is 12 months of age.

A PDHC staff member will contact you in 10–14 days to schedule a convenient time for you to complete your registration in person.

We will look forward to meeting you and having you in the Family Empowerment Program (online, in-person, or both)!

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