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Car Seat

A new baby brings several additional costs to your household, which is particularly challenging if you already manage a tight budget. Car seats are offered at no charge to PDHC clients only. If you are not a PDHC client, complete the Request for a Registration Appointment here.

A teddy bear in a car seat


There are eligibility requirements based on your income and need of a car seat. There is a one car seat limit per pregnancy/child. You must complete the mandatory Car Seat Safety class prior to scheduling a pick-up appointment. ​Car Seats may not always be available. If you qualify, you will be added to the waiting list and be contacted when one is available. 

Car Seat Request Form:

Please wait to submit requests until you have reached at least 30 weeks gestation. 

Are you a current client of PDHC for this pregnancy?
When is your due date? Or when was your baby born? *
Do you have any of the following?
Do you currently have an appropriate car seat (correct weight and height and within the expiration date)?

© Pregnancy Decision Health Centers

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