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Portable Crib

PDHC partners with Columbus Public Health for the Pack-n-Play® Program providing portable cribs to Franklin County residents and referrals in other counties. There are eligibility requirements based on your income and need of a safe place for baby to sleep — limit one per pregnancy/child.



You must be a resident of Franklin County. After you fill out this request, you must take and pass the mandatory Safe Sleep class to receive a portable crib directly from PDHC. You will then be contacted for your final step before scheduling an appointment to pick up. A portable crib will be distributed once you are at least 32 weeks into your pregnancy. If you qualify and one is not immediately available, you will be added to the wait list and contacted once one is available.

If you are not a Franklin County resident and need help acquiring a portable crib/Pack-n-Plays®/Cribettes®, text PDHC at 614-644-4445 for help.

Portable Crib Request Form:

Please wait to submit requests until you have reached at least 30 weeks gestation. 

Are you a current client of PDHC for this pregnancy?
Are you registered for parenting classes through PDHC? *
When is your due date? Or when was your baby born?
Do you have any of the following?
Do you currently have a bassinet, pack 'n play or crib you can use for safe sleep for your baby?

© Pregnancy Decision Health Centers

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